Project Description

Diseases & Disorders

Featured stories about diseases and disorders appear in this issue.

Types of trees

February 15th, 2010|0 Comments

Workers harvest two-year-old Honeycrisp trees at C&O Nursery in Quincy, Washington. Bench graft: Starts out as a rootstock, with the rootstock taken out of the layer

Next generation branches out

February 15th, 2010|0 Comments

The Young Grower Alliance is growing. It's still shy of its official fourth birthday, but the YGA has expanded beyond its southeastern Pennsylvania roots to

Long wait for immigration reform

February 15th, 2010|0 Comments

Every year, the Valicoff Fruit Company in the Yakima Valley dutifully sends off W-2 tax forms for its pickers. President Rob ­Valicoff says he requires

Conversations with the city

February 15th, 2010|0 Comments

Orchardists represent a sliver of American agriculture. Most of our nation's farmers grow field crops such as corn, wheat, and soybeans. Many raise livestock, for

Good to know – Rayapati

February 15th, 2010|0 Comments

Grapevine fanleaf, an infectious degenerative disease, is the oldest known viral disease of grapevines. It is believed that fanleaf virus originated from ancient Persia and

Scab control more challenging

February 15th, 2010|0 Comments

Apple scab overwinters in infected leaves on the orchard floor. Spores from the dead leaves are produced in the spring and can cause primary infection