The ideal biodynamic farm is a unique ecosystem, self-sufficient with respect to the cycle of substances it requires, according to Demeter Association’s biodynamic guidelines for growers. It maintains and builds soil fertility through the use of farm-produced manure and composts, a balanced crop rotation, and the application of the biodynamic preparations, which regulate the composting process and stimulate the life activity of the soil and plant.

No chemically synthesized fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, or fumigants are used.

No hormones, growth regulators, genetically modified organisms, or blood or bone meals are used.

Crop fertility is based on compost, manures, green manuring, and crop rotations, along with regular application of the biodynamic compost preparations and sprays.

Pest control is based on a balanced farm ecosystem, which is achieved through biodynamic soil management, biodynamic sprays and teas, companion planting, animals, and bird life.

Weeds are controlled by cultivation and other mechanical methods.

Composting materials imported from off the farm are very limited in quantity and must be of good quality.

Farms are visited and re-evaluated annually. Contracts for the use of certification marks are annual. The farm must be free of prohibited inputs for 36 months and under biodynamic management for 24 months.

Rights to use of certification mark or language are not transferable to processors and packagers. The Demeter Association provides biodynamic certification according to Demeter-International standards and is the registered owner of the trademark  Biodynamic.