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North Central Washington Tree Fruit Days
January 21–23 in Wenatchee, Feb 6 in Omak

Join us for Washington State University Tree Fruit Extension programs in North Central Washington on Jan. 21, 22 and 23, and on Feb. 6. Co-sponsored by Northwest Cherries, Pear Bureau Northwest, NCW Fieldmen’s Association and the Okanogan Horticultural Association. These events provide the latest research-based information on horticulture, pest and disease management. We hope you will join us to network and learn this winter.

No preregistration required for in-person sessions (thanks to our co-sponsors). Registration required for virtual participation in Apple, Pear and Stone Fruit Days. Virtual participants will have a fee to cover livestreaming audiovisual expenses.

For agendas, additional information and registration, visit: http://treefruit.wsu.edu/events. Pesticide update credits will be awarded for program attendance, 3 to 4 credits per session.

For more information visit treefruit.wsu.edu/events or contact Tianna DuPont tianna.dupont@wsu.edu

(509) 293-8758

Extension programs and employment are available without discrimination. Evidence of noncompliance may be reported through your local extension office.