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Oregon State University Extension Cherry Day, The Dalles OR
February 18
2025 Cherry Day
When: February 18 at 9 am
Location: Discovery Center Museum in The Dalles, OR
This event is free and registration is not necessary.
For more information, email Ashley Thompson at: ashley.thompson@oregonstate.edu
9:00-9:05 — Welcome Dr. Ashley Thompson, OSU Extension
9:05-9:35 — Floral Biology and Fruit Development, Dr. Kelsey Galimba, OSU MCAREC
9:35-10:35 — Plant Growth Regulators for Cherry Production, Dr. Jozsef Racsko, Valent USA
10:35-10:45 — Break
10:45-11:00 — USDA ARS New Postharvest Pathologist, Dr. John Bennett, USDA-ARS
11:00-11:45 — Breeding Cherries for Pacific Northwest Growers, Dr. Per McCord, WSU
11:45-12:00 — CGFG Policy Updates, Lesley Tamura, CGFG
12:00-12:05 — Outstanding Contributor Award, Mike Doke, CGFG
12:05-12:45 — Lunch
12:45-1:30 — Regulatory Costs and Ag Overtime Study Updates, Dr. Tim Delbridge, OSU
1:30-2:00 — Recent Changes to the Cherry Insurance Policy, Justin Pranger, Graybeal Group
2:00-3:00 — Bulletins Live! Two, Oregon Department of Agriculture
3:00-3:30 — Research Updates from the Tree Fruit Entomology Lab, Dr. Chris Adams, OSU MCAREC
3:30-3:50 — The Phenology of Euscelidius variegatus Reared Under Controlled Conditions, Anders Wohler, OSU MCAREC
3:50-4:35 — Farmworker Health & Wellness, One Community Health