Breaking down “break even” for apple growers
New cost-of-production budgets from WSU show challenges apple growers face for economic stability.
New cost-of-production budgets from WSU show challenges apple growers face for economic stability.
Growers grapple with Washington juice-grape cash price that continues to decline.
Growers seeking greater profits in organic and direct-retail markets.
Northwest growers face a 2.9 percent rise, many other regions see steeper increases.
New laws push farm labor union efforts in New York and California.
Genetic experts say preliminary DNA screening can prevent intellectual property disputes.
A selection of the latest products and services for tree fruit and grape growers.
The apple industry navigates a new era as retailers seek to cull the apple category to the top-performing varieties.
Claire is a fifth-generation farmer planning to attend Washington State University for an agribusiness degree. She has one sister, Eva, and is the daughter of Sarah and John Rasch.
On Dec. 10, the U.S. Department of Agriculture opened a new $2 billion economic assistance program for specialty crop producers..