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Inside Looking Out: IPM Practices of Tree Fruit in Yakima Valley

Presented by the Washington State Department of Agriculture – Plant Protection and Yakima County Pest Board 

The workshop will cover several important subjects that are impacting tree fruit industry here in Yakima, WA. The topics include preparing growers and homeowners for little cherry disease and X-phytoplasma (X-disease) and pests of apple, such as two spotted spider mites, brown marmorated stink bug, Asian giant hornet, apple maggot, spotted lanternfly and noxious weeds. We will take an in-depth look at new strategies implemented in the field and train growers to recognize the signs of plant disease, insect pests and weeds.

Pesticide Credit: The event is free for the public and there will be 4 pesticide credits available (TBA). 

Date: March 29, 2021 

Contact: Joshua Milnes

Cell: 509-220-1134 

Email: jmilnes@agr.wa.gov 

Registration: https://www.facebook.com/events/2667605973461853/


Workshop schedule: 

9:00 am Introductions by Joshua Milnes, WA State Department of Agriculture (WSDA) 

9:30 am Protect the fruit industry against invasive insects like the Japanese beetle 

Key to protecting any Ag Commodity against invasive species is early detection. In theory, the earlier we detect the invasive species the easier it is to eradicate that pest. The most recent invasive threat found in SE Washington is the Japanese beetle. In addition to raising awareness, this presentation seeks to provide the audience with a “searching image” of the Japanese beetle and crop damage this beetle causes. Dr. Mike Bush, WSDA 

10:00 am Encourage the public to mitigate pests of concern—pest boards in Washington 

The struggle by orchardists to control of invasive pests is accentuated by the disinterest or lack of control by their neighbors regardless of whether those neighbors happen to be conventional growers, organic growers or simply homeowners with backyard trees. For that reason, the apple industry lobbied to establish Washington State Law requiring all citizens to manage Pests of Concern on their property and establish lawful remedies when they do not. Listen in for an overview of Pest Boards and their role in managing Apple Maggot, Codling Moth and other Pests of Concern. Keith Mathews, Yakima County Pest & Disease Board 

10:30 am Integrated mite management in tree fruit: Conserve the good guys 

This talk will give a brief overview of common pest mites in apples and pears and emphasize conserving their natural enemies. Which pesticides are most compatible with predatory mites and cultural tactics for conservation will be discussed. Dr. Rebecca Schmidt-Jeffris, US Department of Agriculture-ARS 

11:00 am Prevent the spread of Asian giant hornet in Washington 

In December 2019 the first Asian giant hornet was confirmed in Blaine WA. In October 2020 the first nest was eradicated near Blaine WA. Asian giant hornet poses a serious threat to honey bee populations, human health, and sustainable agriculture in Washington. This session will cover their biology, highlight pest management, and identify common imposters. Join this webinar to learn about Asian giant hornets, and what you can do to prevent their spread. Cassie Cichorz, WSDA 

11:30 am X-disease phytoplasma & little cherry virus 

Overview of X-disease Phytoplasma (Western X) & Little Cherry Virus background, how they can spread within an orchard. In addition, experiences out in the field with mentoring the spread and support of WSU trials focusing on vectors and disease biology. For both X-disease Phytoplasma and Little Cherry Virus tree removal is very important and will present aerial images of tree removal and root grafting occurrence. Garrett Bishop, G S Long Co., Inc. 

12:00 pm Lunch hour 

1:00 pm Washington invasive species council strategy, services and role in IPM 

Justin Bush will provide an overview of the statewide, inter-agency strategy to prevent and stop invasive species. The relationship between the statewide strategy and integrated pest management will be discussed, providing IPM managers resources and tools developed by the council that will benefit any IPM program led at the state or local scale. Justin Bush, Washington Invasive Species Council 

1:30 pm 2021 invasive weed update for Yakima County 

There are nearly 200 invasive weed species listed on the annually updated Noxious Weed list for Washington State and just not enough resources to control them all. Susan will focus our attention to those noxious weeds that are of top concern for growers in Yakima County. Susan Bird, Yakima County Noxious Weed Control Board 

2:00 pm Spotted lanternfly Identification and risk to agriculture 

This presentation will cover the invasive spotted lanternfly (SLF) and IPM strategies implemented to deal with this pest. We will look at the SLF biology, life cycle, biological control options and Washington State Department of Agriculture’s survey response. Joshua Milnes, WSDA