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109th Annual Meeting and NW Hort Expo
Wenatchee, Washington, December 2, 3& 4, 2013
Wenatchee Convention Center
Click on the tabs below to see the schedule for the second and third days.
Washington State Horticultural Association convention web site
Poster Session
8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Session Sponsor: Papé Material Handling
Session Manager: Wendy Jones, Associate in Research, WSU Tree Fruit Research & Extension Center
Location: Performing Arts Center, Upper Lobby
Is Your Orchard Ready? Preparing Your Operation for the Future
8:00 a.m. – 11:45 a.m.
Session Sponsor: SmartFresh
Session Manager: Jeff Cleveringa, WSHA Board President, Oneonta/Starr Ranch Growers
Location: Grand Apple Ballroom South
8:00 Welcome & Announcements, Jeff Cleveringa, WSHA Board President
8:30 34th Batjer Address: “A Vision for Apple and Pear Orchards of the Future,” Dr. Terence Robinson, Applied Fruit Crop Physiologist, Cornell University, Geneva, NY —
9:25 “Budget Establishment Costs,” Karina Gallardo, Assistant Professor/ Extension Specialist, WSU, Puyallup, WA
9:50 “Varieties: Finding the Winners” (PANEL) Moderator: Jeff Cleveringa, WSHA Board President; Panelists: Tim Welsh, Columbia Fruit/CMI group Wenatchee, WA; Dave Allan, Allan Brothers Inc., Naches, WA; Kate Evans, WSU TFREC Wenatchee, WA; Bill Howell, Topcliffe Farm, Prosser, WA
10:30 “Effective Orchard Systems” (PANEL) Moderator: Jeff Cleveringa, WSHA President; Panelists: Dr. Terence Robinson, Cornell University; Stefano Mussachi, WSU-TFREC Wenatchee, WA; Craig Hornblow, AgFirst, New Zealand; John Verbrugge, Valley Fruit, Wapato, WA; Bruce Allen, Chiawana Orchards, Gleed, WA
WSHA Leadership Luncheon
Noon – 1:00 p.m.
Session Sponsor: Key Bank
Co-Hosts: Jon DeVaney, YVGSA Executive Director & Bruce Grim, WSHA Executive Director
Guest Speaker: Director Bud Hover, Washington State Department of Agriculture
Location: Grand Apple Ballroom North
Washington Apple Commission Nominations
Location: Grand Apple Ballroom South
1:10 Washington Apple Commission Nominations, WSDARevised 9/20/2013 2:54:25 PM Page 5
Is Your Orchard Ready? Preparing Your Operation for the Future Continued… 1:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Session Sponsors: Banner Bank Session Manager: Jeff Cleveringa, WSHA President Location: Grand Apple Ballroom South
1:30 Welcome & Announcements
1:40 “Protective Covers – A Brave New World of Opportunities” (PANEL) Moderator: Tory Schmidt, WTFRC; Panelists: Bill Johnson, Wilson Irrigation; Craig Hornblow, Ag First New Zealand; Stefano Musacchi, WSU-TFREC; Verlyn Burgers, Extenday USA
2:40 “Nutrient Requirements by High Density Apple Trees” Lailiang Cheng, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
3:10 “Food Safety in the Field” (PANEL) Moderator: Warren Morgan, President of Double Diamond Fruit; Panelists: Milinda Dwyer, Food Safety-Produce Audits, Costco Wholesale; Jim Colbert, Director of Food Safety, Chelan Fruit; Dr. Karen Killinger, Associate Professor and Extension Food Safety Specialist, WSU; Derek Allred, Grower, Mt View Acres
4:10 “Harvest – How to Find and Retain Good Pickers” (PANEL) Moderator: Jeff Cleveringa, WSHA President; Panelists: Jeff Pheasant, Pheasant Orchards, Soap Lake, WA; Jesus Aguilar, Chuy’s Cherries East Wenatchee, WA; Jose Ramirez, KS Orchard Royal City, WA
Monday Evening
5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
NW Hort Expo Social & Cocktail Hour
Must be 21 or over – Registration Badge Required
Event Sponsor: Domex Superfresh Growers
Location: Wenatchee Convention Center, Lower Level
Monday Evening
6:30 p.m.
Past Presidents’ Dinner
Host: David Douglas, WSHA Past President
Location: Visconti’s Italian Restaurant

Day 2 Photo Gallery
Click the image to see photos from the second day. It will be updated throughout the day.
Poster Session
8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Session Sponsor: Papé Material Handling
Session Manager: Wendy Jones, Associate in Research, WSU Tree Fruit Research & Extension Center
Location: Performing Arts Center, Upper Lobby
Spanish Language Session 1 *
8:00 a.m. – 11:45 a.m.
Concurrent Session
Session Sponsor: Broetje Orchards
Co-Session Managers: Karina Gallardo, Assistant Professor/ Extension Specialist, WSU, Puyallup, WA
and Raul Barajas, Assistant Manager, McDougall & Sons, Quincy, WA
Location: Grand Apple Ballroom South
8:00 Welcome & Announcements, Trade Show Ad
8:10 Welcome, Jeff Cleveringa, WSHA Board President
8:15 Latino Awards, Leo Garcia, Wenatchee Valley College, Wenatchee, WA
8.30 Entry Survey, Karina Gallardo, WSU Puyallup, WA
8:45 “Apple and Pear Orchards of the Future – Huertos de Manzanas y Peras del Futuro,” Dr. Terence Robinson, Cornell University, Geneva, NY
9:30 “Orchard Systems: Achieving Ideal Canopy Texture – Sistemas de Huertos: Optimizacion de la Densidades de Copa de Arbol,” Craig Hornblow, AgFirst New Zealand
10:00 “How to Identify the SpottedWing Drosophila and the Brown Marmorated Stink Bug – Como Identificar las Plagas que Vienen, la Mosca Drosófila y la Chinche Café Marmoleada,” Leo Garcia, Wenatchee Valley College, Wenatchee, WA
10:30 “How to Prevent and Identify Most Common Diseases in Tree Fruit – Como Prevenir e Identificar las Enfermedades mas Communes en Arboles Frutales,” Luisa Santamaria, Oregon State University North Willamette Research and Extension Center, Aurora, OR
11:00 “Safety Quality Food – Fundamentos de Seguridad y Calidad Alimentaria,” Jaime Reyes, Kyle Mathison Orchards Hill, Wenatchee, WA
Grower Information You MUST Know!
8:00 a.m. – 8:45 a.m.
Session Manager: Jeff Cleveringa, WSHA Board President
Location: Performing Arts Center, Lower Level
8:00 “Affordable Care Act,” Colleen Frei, Attorney, Jeffers, Danielson, Sonn & Aylward, P.S., Wenatchee, WA
8:30 “Industry Consolidation,” West Mathison, President, Stemilt Growers Inc.Revised 9/20/2013 2:54:25 PM Page 7
Mechanization and Automation in the Orchard
8:45 a.m. – 11:45 a.m.
Concurrent Session
Session Sponsor: Aweta Autoline
Session Manager: Karen Lewis, WSU Extension
Location: Grand Apple Ballroom North
8:45 Welcome & Announcements, Trade Show Ad
8:55 “Mechanization in Italian Orchards,” Stefano Musacchi, WSU TFREC
9:30 “The Integration of Horticulture and Harvest Technology: The Kiwi Experience,” Steve Saunders, PlusGroup Horticulture Limited, New Zealand
10:00 “Harvest Assist – It’s About the People,” (PANEL) Moderator: Tom Auvil, WTFRC Wenatchee, WA; Panelists: Don Armock, River Ridge Produce, Sparta, MI; Jim Morford, Green Acre Farms, Wapato, WA; Karen Lewis, WSU Ephrata, WA; Scott Driscoll, Stemilt Growers Inc.Wenatchee, WA
11:00 “Adopting New Technologies – The Decision Making Process,” (PANEL) Moderator: Jim Doornink, Doornink Fruit Ranch, Wapato, WA; Panelists: Jim Morford, Green Acre Farms, Wapato, WA; Don Armock, River Ridge Produce, Sparta, MI; Jerry Haak, Outlook, WA
Pest / Disease *
8:45 a.m. – 11:45 a.m.
Concurrent Session
Session Sponsor: Dow AgroSciences
Session Manager: Desmond Layne, Endowed Chair-Tree Fruit Extension Program Leader
Professor of Pomology, Dept. of Horticulture, Washington State University
Location: Performing Arts Center, Lower Level
8:45 Welcome & Announcements, Trade Show Ad
8:55 “Progress in Developing Non-Antibiotic Products to Enhance Control of Fireblight,” Tim Smith, Washington State University
9:25 “Crabapple Diseases Cause Postharvest Rots and International Trade Issues,” Richard Kim, Pace International; Mike Willett, NWHC; Tom Auvil, WTFRC
10:10 “Aerosol Pheromone Dispensers for Codling Moth Control,” Jay Brunner, Washington State University
10:30 “Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (BMSB): Current Status and Research in the PNW,” Nik Wiman, Oregon State University
10:50 “Biocontrol Research in the Last Five Years and the Next Five,” Vince Jones, Washington State University
11:20 “Pear Psylla Management,” (PANEL) Moderator: Desmond R. Layne, Washington State University; Panelists: Tom Unruh, USDA-ARS, Wapato; John Dunley, Wilbur Ellis; TBDRevised
Spanish Language Session 2
1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Session Sponsor: Stemilt Ag Services
Co-Session Managers: Karina Gallardo, Assistant Professor/ Extension Specialist, WSU, Puyallup, WA
and Raul Barajas, Assistant Manager, McDougall & Sons, Quincy, WA
Location: Grand Apple Ballroom South
1:00 Welcome & Announcements, Trade Show Ad
1:05 “WSDA Efforts to Reach the Spanish Speaking Community – El Departamento de Agricultura de Washington y sus esfuerzos por llegar a la Comunidad Hispano Hablante,” Ignacio Marquez, Washington State Department of Agriculture, Yakima, WA
1:15 “Services to Migrant Workers – Servicios para los Trabajadores Migrantes,” Daniel Cilenti, Inspire Development Centers, Sunnyside, WA
1:30 “Ways to Improve your Spraying as an Operator – Alternativas para Mejorar los Sprays como un Operador,” Emilio Gil, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, España
2:00 “Enhancing Biological Control in Western Orchards – Mejorando el Control Biológico de Plagas en Huertos del Oeste,” Ute Chambers, Washington State University, Tree Fruit Research and Extension Center, Wenatchee, WA
2:30 “Harassment Cases in Our Orchards-EEOC Perspectives – Casos de Hostigamiento en Nuestros Huertos – Perspectivas de la Comisi,” Carmen Flores, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Seattle, WA
3:00 “What Managers and Supervisors in the Agriculture Industry Need to Know About Harassment and Discrimination Laws – Lo Que Los Gerentes y Supervisores en el Sector Agricola Necesitan Saber Sobre Las Leyes de Disciminacion y Hostigamiento,” Justo Gonzales, Stokes Lawrence, Seattle, WA
3:30 “Human Resources: Crew Retention – Recursos Humanos: Retención de Personal,” (PANEL) Moderator: Francisco Sarmiento, Wenatchee Valley College, Wenatchee, WA; Panelists: Hector Aparicio, Gebbers Farms, Brewster, WA; Faustino Barrios, Foreman Fruit Co., Orondo, WA; Carlos Silva, King Fuji Orchards, Mattawa, WA
4:30 Exit Survey / Preguntas finales
Northwest Fruit Crops: Cherries
1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Concurrent Session
Session Sponsor: Domex Superfresh Growers
Session Manager: Lynn Long, Professor and Extension Horticulturist, Oregon State University Extension
Location: Performing Arts Center, Lower Level
1:00 Welcome & Announcements, Trade Show Ad
1:10 “An Introduction to the Super Slender Axe System (SSA)” Stefano Musacchi, WSU TFREC, Wenatchee, WA
1:40 “The NC 140 Cherry Training System Story: A Continent-wide Trial Comparing UFO, KGB, SSA and Tall Spindle Axe (TSA),” Gregory Lang, Michigan State University
2:20 “Are Automated Cherry Lines the Future of the Industry?” Tim Sambado, President, Prima Frutta, Linden, CA
2:50 “How Technology Will Change the Way We Grow Cherries,” Matthew Whiting, WSU IAREC
3:20 “Managing Soil Moisture to Minimize Rain Cracking” Clive Kaiser, Oregon State University Extension and Gregory Lang, Michigan State University
4:05 “The Influence of 12 Row on the NW Cherry Market,” Des O’Rourke, Belrose, Inc., Pullman, WA and B.J. Thurlby, NW Cherry Growers
Northwest Fruit Crops: Pears *
1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Concurrent Session
Session Sponsor: G.S. Long Co. Inc.
Session Managers: Don Gibson, Managing Partner, Mt Adams Orchards & Underwood Fruit and Warehouse, Co.
Location: Grand Apple Ballroom North
1:00 Welcome & Announcements, Trade Show Ad
1:10 “Fire Blight Management in the Pacific Northwest – Current and Future Control Products and Practices,” Tim Smith, Washington State University
1:30 “Induction of Systemic Acquired Resistance in Pear: A New Tool for Fire Blight Control,” Ken Johnson, Professor of Plant Pathology, OSU Corvallis, OR
1:50 “Assessing Strategies to Balance Vegetative Growth and Productivity of Pear Orchards,” Todd Einhorn, OSU, Mid-Columbia AREC
2:05 “Research Update on Predictable Ripening of Pears,” Amit Dhingra, Washington State University
2:20 “Analysis and Comparison of the European and North American Pear Industry,” Stefano Musacchi, WSU TFREC, Wenatchee, WA
3:20 “Economics of Pear Production: Recent Production Cost Studies and Current Trends,” Suzette Galinato, Research Associate, IMPACT, School of Economic Sciences, WSU
3:50 “The Pear Challenge,” Kevin Moffitt, President of Pear Bureau Northwest
4:10 “Your Grower & Industry Research Team Wants Your Input,” Bob Gix, Horticulturist, Blue Star Growers, Co-Chair Pear Research Sub-Committee
4:30 “Future of Pear Slices,” Tony Freytag, Senior VP of Sales and Marketing, Crunch PakRevised 9/20/2013 2:54:25 PM Page 10
WSHA Banquet
6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Banquet Sponsor: Western Fruit Grower
Master of Ceremonies: Scott Marboe, Oneonta/Starr Ranch
Hors d’Oeuvres Sponsor:Wilbur Ellis
Dessert Buffet Sponsor: SmartFresh
Location: Grand Apple Ballroom South
6:00 Reception and WAEF Silent Auction
6:00 Connecting with Poster Presenters
7:00 Dinner, Awards & Entertainment. Event includes Good Fruit Grower’s Grower of the Year award.

Day 3 Photo Gallery
Photos from the third day of the Washington Hort Show will be updated throughout the day.
Poster Session
8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Session Sponsor: Papé Material Handling
Session Manager: Wendy Jones, Associate in Research, WSU Tree Fruit Research & Extension Center
Location: Performing Arts Center, Upper Lobby
Post Harvest
8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Concurrent Session
Session Sponsor: Cascade Analytical
Co-Session Managers: Laura Grunenfelder, Science Policy Specialist, Northwest Horticultural Council & Ines Hanrahan, WTFRC
Location: Performing Arts Center, Lower Level
8:00 Welcome and Announcements, Trade Show Ad
New Storage and Packing House Technologies: Applications and Effects on Fruit Physiology CA Storage and Technologies
8:10 “Basic Postharvest Physiology of Cold Storage” Jun Song, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
8:25 “New Developments in CA and DCA Storage Technology” Dirk Köpcke, ESTEBURG-Obstbauzentrum Jork, Germany
8:55 “Utility of Ozone in the Postharvest Environment” Jun Song, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
9:25 “Successful Fruit Storage Without DPA” Dirk Köpcke, ESTEBURG-Obstbauzentrum Jork, Germany
9:40 “CA Storage Technologies” (PANEL) Moderator: Ines Hanrahan, WTFRC; Panelists: Jordan Matson, Matson Fruit; Glade Brosi, Stemilt Growers Inc.; Denny Jones, Allan Bros.; Ed Ing, Underwood Fruit
New TechnologiesRevised 9/20/2013 2:54:25 PM Page 11
10:10 “Robotic Tray Filler” Steve Saunders, Plus Group Horticultural Limited, New Zealand
10:30 “Successful Implementation of New Technologies” (PANEL) Moderator: Ines Hanrahan, WTFRC; Panelists: Aaron Arndt, Kershaw Fruit; Ed Ing, Underwood Fruit; Jill Douglas, Douglas Fruit Co.
11:00 “Effective Water Sanitation Procedures for Packing Lines” Trevor Suslow, UC Davis
11:30 “Water Sanitation Systems” (PANEL) Moderator: Laura Grunenfelder, Northwest Horticultural Council; Panelists: Kraig Massey, Double Diamond; Eva Lauve, Stemilt Growers Inc.; TBD
Soil Health: It’s Role in Today’s Orchard Systems
8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Concurrent Session
Session Sponsor: Northwest Wholesale
Co-Session Manager: David Granatstein, Sustainable Ag Specialist, WSU
& Mike Robinson, Double Diamond Fruit Co.
Location: Grand Apple Ballroom North
8:00 Welcome and Announcements, Trade Show Ad
8:10 Introduction, David Granatstein, Sustainable Ag Specialist, WSU
8:20 “Does Organic Matter Matter?” Dr. Gerry Neilsen, Agriculture Canada; Dr. George Bird, Michigan State University
9:20 “How Do We Measure Soil Health?” Gary Johnson, Wilbur Ellis; Dr. Tom Forge, Agriculture Canada
10:30 “How Does Management Influence Soil Health and Tree Performance?” Dr. Ian Merwin, Cornell University; Mike Omeg, Omeg Orchard, The Dalles, OR
11:30 Discussion and questions with speakers
11:50 Closing remarks, David Granatstein, Mike Robinson
Application Technologies
8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Concurrent Session
Session Sponsor: Northwest Farm Credit Services
Session Managers: Gwen Hoheisel, Regional Tree Fruit and Small Fruit Extension Specialist, WSU
Location: Grand Apple Ballroom South
8:00 Welcome and Announcements, Trade Show Ad
Current Practices
8:15 “Orchard Spray Application—a Global Perspective of Current Practices and Future Technologies,” Emilio Gil, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain
8:50 “Practical Solutions to Improve Your Spray Results,” Gwen Hoheisel, WSU Prosser, WA
9:15 “Modern Materials and Methods for Enhanced Weed Management,” Tim Smith, WSU Wenatchee, WARevised 9/20/2013 2:54:25 PM Page 12
9:50 “Changes in Nozzle Standards and Pesticide Labels,” Rex Guthland, Pentair Water, Spokane, WA
Innovative Techniques
10:15 “Innovative Technologies for Airblast Sprayer – Canopy Density Sensors,” Emilio Gil, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain
10:50 “Solid Set Canopy Delivery System,” Jay Brunner, WSU Wenatchee, WA
11:15 “Global PPE Practices and Assessments for WashingtonWorkers,” Carol Black, WSU Pullman, WA
Gras2p Training-Food Safety / First Aid & CPR
1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Session Sponsor: Costco Wholesale & NCSI Americas
Session Manager: Nicole Brunner
Instructor: Mac McGonagle
Location: Grand Apple Ballroom North
1:00 “Gras2p- GlobalGAP V4.0-2 Update,” Ben Marchant, Vice President of Marketing, NCSI Americas *paper updates available for $25; please call Joanne at 665-9641 to pre-order
1:30 “First Aid & CPR Class,” Mac McGonagle (Instructor) $45 for the class. To sign up, visit the registration desk or email nicole@wahort.org
State FFA Apple/Pear Judging
10:00 a.m. – 11:45 a.m.
Host: Dan Elwood, Wenatchee High School
Session Sponsor: Washington Apple Education Foundation
Location: The Rivertop (top floor of The Coast Hotel)
Student FFA Leadership Luncheon
12:00 noon – 1:00 p.m.
Session Sponsor: Washington Apple Education Foundation
Host: Jennifer Witherbee, Washington Apple Education Foundation
Speaker: Kailan Dunn Jr. Location: The Rivertop (top floor of The Coast Hotel)