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Cherry Preharvest Tour – The Dalles, OR
June 6, 2019 @ 7:45 am - 1:00 pm PDT
This is the first of four separate field day events to showcase cherry preharvest activities.
Tour Agenda
Stop 1: The Cemetery Block at Orchard View Behind the I.O.O.F. Three Mile Cemetery, The Dalles, OR.
Cherry Variety Showcase: The ‘Pearl’ Series, Coral Champagne, and WSU breeding program R1.
Coffee and donuts provided by Chamberlin Distributing
Stop 2: Cooper Family Orchard Across from the I.O.O.F. Three Mile Cemetery, The Dalles, OR.
Cherry viruses: How to spot them and what to do; presented by Jay Pscheidt & Lauri Lutes.
Stop 3: Former Orchard View Vineyard Three Mile Rd., The Dalles, OR.
Cover crops for replant success: Presented by Mike Omeg & Ashley Thompson.
Stop 4: Orchard View Farms 4055 Skyline Rd., The Dalles, OR.
Accommodations for disabilities can be made by calling 541-296-5494 by May 23.