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WSU WA 38 Field Day
September 27, 2017 @ 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm PDT
Join WSU for a fall field day discussing horticulture and tips to optimize fruit quality of WA 38, WSU’s newest breeding program release. With more than 637,224 WA 38 trees in the ground already, WSU and the Washington Tree Fruit Research Commission are working hard to provide growers with the information they need to choose training systems, pruning systems, rootstocks, pollinizers, and management techniques for high quality fruit.
WA 38 Tips to Optimize Fruit Quality
September 27, 2017 @ 3:00 to 4:30 pm
WSU Sunrise Orchard, Rock Island WA
The focus of this field visit is management tips for consistently superior fruit quality. Stefano Musacchi, WSU Professor of Horticulture will demonstrate a new top grafting trial and discuss how horticulture systems impact pack out. Ines Hanrahan, Washington Tree Fruit Research Commission, will describe tips to achieve high pack outs, including how to determine optimal harvest dates, pluses and minuses of one versus two picks, and the utility of pre-harvest fungicide applications. Karen Lewis, WSU Extension will show ways to incorporate mechanization, such as hedging, in WA 38 management.
- See the impacts of pruning, hedging and training strategies on fruit quality.
- Learn how to use the new WA 38 starch scale.
- Discuss management for high pack outs.
- Taste WA 38 fruit.
- See mechanical pruning tools.
Please note the Sept 6 field day in Prosser had to be canceled due to the later season. Fruit is not near enough to maturity for discussion.
WSU Sunrise Orchard, off highway 28 on Sunrise Lane, about 11 miles south of Wenatchee.