Our 2015 cover collection.
With Pacific Northwest orchards now well settled into their winter nap, their branches bare as the days grow colder and shorter, we’ve already started production work for the year to come here at Good Fruit Grower headquarters. We’re embarking on our two-issue-per-month phase, which keeps us busy keeping you informed on the latest research and insights in the industry.
I still remember diving into our double issues (as we call them here in the office) a year ago. And what a year it was — we had another stellar collection of images on our covers in 2015. We started with John Kane’s winter orchard scene and continued with a compilation that included David Cobb’s striking sunset over Mount Hood, Ernie Duncan’s plum blossoms against a brilliant blue sky, Paloma Ayala’s moment with cherry picker Ramon Lopez, TJ Mullinax’s great capture of Cosmic Crisp apples, and Tim Hull’s colorful shot of Bartlett pear leaves.

Good Fruit Grower of the Year Brenton Roy. TJ Mullinax/Good Fruit Grower
We ended 2015 on a great note, with Grower of the Year Brenton Roy featured on the cover of our biggest issue of the year. I had a great time accompanying my Good Fruit Grower colleague TJ Mullinax on the photo shoot at Brenton’s Oasis Farms near Prosser, Washington. We got to walk with Brenton and his crew as we toured his orchards and discussed his growing strategies. I can tell you that smile you see is genuine. He’s a great guy and an outstanding grower.
We’re very fortunate to have such talented folks who let us feature their wonderful works on our covers for each issue. It’s a real privilege to celebrate the tree fruit and grape growing industries with remarkable photographs and artwork. We’ve made our selections for the 2016 crop of covers, and I’m thrilled to reveal that each of the artists mentioned above will return next year with more outstanding work. They’ll be joined by some new names who are showcasing their pieces for the first time with Good Fruit Grower. I know you’ll be impressed.
We accept new cover submissions from accomplished artists and photographers at any time. You can find all you need right here. I hope you enjoy the holiday season and have a fantastic new year ahead. As for us, well, we’re definitely covered. (Sorry, I just couldn’t resist!)
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