This year’s tart cherry marketing plan will kick off in October at the 2011 Bank of America Chicago Marathon. We’re excited to showcase cherries and the “Powered by Red” benefits to more than 125,000 athletes and fitness enthusiasts—and in the third-largest media market in the nation—with the help of our powerful cherry advocates.

Building on the successful 2010 Red Recovery activation at marathons across the country, we plan to re-introduce the Red Recovery Routine and share how choosing cherries can be a powerful way to relieve muscle soreness and boost recovery post run. Tart Cherry Processors and Marketers will be able to get involved in the Chicago Marathon Health & Fitness Expo (October 8-9) and showcase the many tart cherry products.

Marathons have been a terrific way for us to tell our story on muscle recovery and to talk about the emerging science in this area. Check out the Red Recovery Routine on our Web site,