“Pearadise” painting by Ben Mann, 2013, Bellingham, Washington.
An email popped into my inbox a few days ago. Simple and sweet, it read: “Hi Jared! Just wanted to say I really like the cover of this issue! Hope all is well!”
I’m happy to report that all is very well. We’re just humming along here at the magazine. We got out a strong and striking September issue, which focused on pears, and are gearing up to get our October issue—apples!—delivered soon. Then it’s on to November and its focus on new technology. We’re certainly staying busy. And December, of course, brings our annual Grower of the Year edition. The anticipation builds!
The year is just flying by, it seems. And we’ve had some strong covers throughout. I like them all, but, just like the fan who emailed me, I happen to be especially fond of our September cover. In fact, I have the original painting, titled “Pearadise” by Bellingham, Washington, artist Ben Mann, hanging in my office here at Good Fruit Grower headquarters. The swirls of colors cheer me up each morning when I walk in ready to face the day, much like the grower depicted in the painting. Yes, all is very well here.
You can see more of Ben’s fine work at www.mann-alive.com.
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