Washington State University has spent two decades developing WA 38, now known as Cosmic Crisp. The first sizable commercial crop will be harvested in 2020. (TJ Mullinax/Good Fruit Grower)
Washington State University has rescheduled its field day for the WA 38 apple, better known as Cosmic Crisp.
The field day will now be held at 3 p.m. on Sept. 27 at WSU Sunrise Orchard in Rock Island, Washington.
The field visit will focus on management tips to optimize fruit quality. WSU professor Stefano Musacchi will demonstrate a new top grafting trial and discus how horticulture systems affect packout. Ines Hanrahan of the Washington Tree Fruit Research Commission will talk about how to achieve high packouts, including how to determine optimal harvest dates, one versus two picks, and preharvest fungicide application. Karen Lewis of WSU Extension will show ways to incorporate mechanization (including hedging) in WA 38 management.
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