The Washington apple industry expects to harvest a crop of large, high-quality apples this fall, which is what buyers want.
“We’re seeing excellent size and excellent type,” said Bruce Grim, manager of the Washington Apple Growers Marketing Association.
A year ago, marketers were trying to make their old-crop apples eke out until the start of the new season. This year, with a record crop of around 110 million boxes to ship and much of that in small sizes, the industry was concerned about a carryover into the new season.
Grim said he compared the 2008–2009 crop year with the previously largest crop of 105 million in 2004–2005 and said movement of the fruit Âcompared favorably.
“I think the key to us going forward this year is to not have a significant carryover. The less carryover, the stronger the start to the new season.”
The industry was expecting the volume of Red Delicious, Golden Delicious, and Fuji all to be down, but Fujis to be up.
“The real wild card is going to be what volume of fruit is coming off the new plantings that are either coming into production or increasing in Âproduction,” he said.
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