• From 1997–2005, Michigan’s certified organic cropland increased by 166 percent; the United States as a whole increased 63 percent over the same time period.
• Only 3 percent of Michigan’s certified organic farm acreage (45,500 acres) was in fruit production in 2005. Eighty percent of the organic acreage was planted to beans and grains.
• The average size of certified organic fruit and vegetable farms was 117 acres, with 85 acres in production.
• Most of the state’s certified organic farmers have been certified for less than ten years and –transitioned from conventional farming.
• Certified organic fruit acreage in 2005 totaled around 1,300 acres.
• Certified organic apple acreage increased from 228 to 545 acres between 1997 and 2005.
• Within the upper Midwest states, Michigan leads in the number of certified organic acres devoted to fruit.
• Production problems listed by fruit growers participating in the survey were weed control, insect damage, and diseases.
• Michigan’s certified organic fruit farms sell mostly in local markets.
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