TJ Mullinax

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About TJ Mullinax

TJ Mullinax joined Good Fruit Grower as digital producer and photojournalist in 2013. He photographs and edits visual stories for the print magazine and online publishing spaces. Along with editorial production, TJ develops and maintains the magazine’s digital products. -- Follow the author: Phone: (509) 853-3519 -- Email

Adrian Arts, a young grower from Summerland, British Columbia

2021-09-28T08:08:20-07:00March 1st, 2020|Apples, Cherries, March 1st 2020 Issue, Media, TJ Mullinax, Videos, Young Grower|

Adrian began farming about five years ago, after obtaining degrees in water resource science and geology. He returned home to Summerland and is now leasing and managing several smaller orchards. He is the son of Shirley Hansen and Adrian Arts.