Just as for apples, the federal government has changed its mind and made blueberries eligible for coronavirus relief funding.

Last week, the U.S. Department of Agriculture announced the blueberry growers would be eligible for Category 1 Coronavirus Food Assistance Program payments. 

In June, the USDA determined that apple and blueberry growers did not experience a price loss greater than 5 percent between mid-January and mid-March. Industry groups for both crops appealed, calling the calculations flawed.

On July 9, the USDA agreed and added both crops to the list of eligible specialty crops. Pears are also eligible. For the complete list, visit https://www.farmers.gov/cfap/specialty#fn2

—by Ross Courtney

—USDA agrees apple growers qualify for CFAP funds
—Apple, pear growers eligible for USDA pandemic relief fund