Bruce A. Zahn, a prominent grower who lived in Bridgeport, Washington, passed away December 9, 2016, at age 91.

According to his granddaughter, Darby (Zahn) Jones, Zahn served as president of the Washington State

Bruce Zahn

Bruce Zahn Image courtesy of Zahn family

Horticultural Association in 1991.  “He loved the fruit industry and spent many hours of his life contributing to help it prosper,” she said. “Grandad was the consummate orchardist and made his life’s work raising the best quality fruit possible.  He and my grandmother, Lola built “The Ranch” (orchard) through their many years together on hard work and determination.  They grew peaches, apples, cherries, pears and other fruits.”

She said Zahn “was fanatical about snorkeling and (he) traveled to the Cook Islands, the Great Barrier Reef in Australia and other locations to pursue this passion.” She said he loved to ski, and did so into late in his life. The Wenatchee World reported that Zahn was elected a Brewster councilmember and volunteer fire fighter.