It’s October already?
Seems like I’ve heard a similar refrain every month. Times are still uncertain, with so many still affected by a pandemic in its second year, and yet, the changing colors, cooler temperatures and bustle of work and school seem to bring a gladdening sense of the familiar.
October means many growers are knee-deep in annual harvest — also familiar — which means the Good Fruit Grower team is busily capturing the stories and images to help you all continue to be successful in the coming year. We’re also prepping for a return to the in-person conventions and research sessions that help to steer our coverage all winter.
Amid this demand, we’re welcoming a new face to our staff.

Travis Huff joins us as circulation coordinator to oversee subscription services and audience engagement. It’s one of those behind-the-scenes positions at the magazine, but it’s essential to everything we do. As much as Good Fruit Grower is recognized as a central resource for fruit growers, not just in the Pacific Northwest but across the country and the world, we want to be recognized for great service, and Travis plays a key role.
He comes to us most recently from circulation efforts at the Yakima Herald-Republic newspaper in Washington and The Astorian newspaper in Oregon. He said one of his earliest memories was tagging along with his grandfather on a paper route. “Publishing stuck with me. I like the pace — constant buzzing activity,” he said.
(Fun fact: Travis also went to school in British Columbia and learned how to build and repair guitars, and he continues to do so as a hobby. “I discovered stage fright was too much of an issue,” he said, “but I love guitars, so what else could I do?”)
Working in Yakima, home to the Good Fruit Grower, marks an opportunity to establish some roots and be closer to his wife’s family. “The fruit industry defines a big part of the culture here, and it’s cool being a part of that,” he said. “You can’t live here and not feel that community.”
Travis replaces Nashalee Holman, who has also returned to her hometown in Puerto Rico, to be closer to family. She’s been a delight to work with and will be missed, but during these difficult times for so many, we can’t fault anyone for wanting to be closer to family. We all wish her the best.
In the meantime, you can reach Travis by phone at 509-853-3515, toll-free at 1-800-487-9946, ext. 208, or by email at travis@goodfruit.com. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to him, or anyone else on the staff, if you have questions or suggestions for the magazine. And don’t forget to visit us online at goodfruit.com or on Facebook or Twitter.
See you at the winter meetings!
—by Shannon Dininny
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