Peach harvest, Yakima Valley, Washington. Photo by Lance Johnson, Yakima.

Green House in Orchard. Photo by John Kane, Issaquah and Tieton, Washington.
We’re in the middle of a spectacularly hot summer here in central Washington, and the fruit stands and supermarket aisles are packed with a bounty of summer fruits.
Our July cover of the magazine showcases one of my favorite types—peaches! And plenty of ‘em, too.
This beauty of a shot—taken during peach harvest in Yakima, Washington—came from one of our regular contributors to the magazine, Lance Johnson of Image West Photography in Yakima.
We’re obviously a big fan of Lance (as is everyone we know). His photo of a newly planted orchard was on the cover of our April 1 issue, and he has another shot coming up soon on the cover of our August issue, too. You can see more of his work at imagewestusa.com It’s gorgeous stuff.
Speaking of regular contributors, we just heard from photographer John Kane, who has had several photos on the cover of our magazine over the past couple of years.
His striking winter scene of a solitary house surrounded by frost covered orchards in Tieton, Washington, was just accepted for the Your Daily Photograph feed from Duncan Miller Gallery in Santa Monica (here’s the link).
This is the same photo that was on the cover of our February 1, 2014, issue.
John writes: “One of the many things I love about Tieton is the wonderful photographic opportunities. I took this picture in Jan. 2009 on Section One Rd in Tieton. It has been quite successful for me, including winning the statewide Collective Visions show in 2011, purchase by the Larson Gallery for their permanent collection, use on the cover of Good Fruit Grower magazine, a couple of other sales, and purchase by the Reed Longyear law firm for their collection.”
Congrats John. Well deserved! Find more of John’s work at johnakane.com.
And finally, we’re looking for more great work to feature on our upcoming covers starting in 2016. If you are a photographer or painter with outstanding imagery—or know someone who is—we invite you to submit your work. Find details and submission requirements here.
We love celebrating the wonders of tree fruit and grape growing with outstanding images in each issue. We’re so fortunate to have wonderful skilled artists and photographers like Lance and John and many others who make that possible.
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