Elina Lastro NiÒo
(photo by Geraldine Warner/Good Fruit Grower)
Dr. Elina Lastro Niño, a bee scientist known internationally for her expertise on honeybee queen biology, has joined the University of California, Davis, as Extension apiculturist, an expert on beekeeping. She succeeds Dr. Eric Mussen, who retired in June after 38 years in the position.
Niño previously was a National Institute of Food and Agriculture postdoctoral fellow at Pennsylvania State UniversityNs Center for Pollinator Research. She received a bachelorss degree in animal science from Cornell University, a masterss degree in entomology from North Carolina State University, and her doctorate from Penn State in 2012.
At UC Davis, she will spend 70 percent of her time conducting research on honeybees and also provide outreach to commercial and backyard beekeepers.
Mussen will continue to work as an advisor in an emeritus capacity.
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