On-site Airblast Sprayer Technical Assistance Program offered by WSDA. Courtesy WSDA

Courtesy WSDA

The Washington State Department of Agriculture is currently enrolling employers from the tree fruit industry in its “On-site Airblast Sprayer Technical Assistance Program.” This four-hour program is designed for agricultural operations where airblast and/or air-assisted sprayers are used.

There is no cost to the employer or employees who participate in the program.

The curriculum includes hands-on technical assistance on the establishment’s property using the employer’s own equipment. Resource materials, presentations and other tools will be provided for attendees.

Bilingual WSDA trainers will address these important factors for safe applications:

—Methods to calculate tractor speed.

—Simple steps for sprayer calibration.

—Measurement of sprayer nozzle output.

—Sprayer configuration based on time of season, planting size and systems.

—Weather monitoring tools.

On-site Airblast Sprayer Technical Assistance Program offered by WSDA. Courtesy WSDA

Courtesy WSDA

Pesticide license recertification credits are available for those who attend the full session.

WSDA will offer the program until the end of June and will enroll as many establishments as possible within this time frame.

To enroll in the program, please contact Ofelio Borges at 509-249-6939 or email Oborges@agr.wa.gov.

—by Jonelle Mejica