The Washington Tree Fruit Research Commission has recently funded a trellis engineering analysis project with the goal of developing a standardized design practice for selecting a trellis or superstructure based on expected yields and environmental factors.

One objective of phase one is to assemble a trellis failure summary. In-field evaluations and diagnostics will be the primary source of information. To assist with data collection, growers are asked to complete a survey if they know of trellis failures and the details surrounding the failures.

There also is space on the survey to make comments or suggestions about trellis and netting structures in general.

The survey can be found at:

The project lead is Dr. Mark De Kleine of De Kleine Machine Co. in Prosser, Washington. Comments by email or telephone also are appreciated. Contact De Kleine at or (509) 832-1108.

Principal investigators include Paul Booker, Dr. Charles Pezeshki and Karen Lewis. Industry advisors include Bruce Allen, Dave Gleason, Scott Jacky, Jeff Cleveringa, Mark Stennis, Dale Goldy and Travis Allan.