Okanagan Speciality Fruits continues to raise the profile of its genetically modified Arctic Apples with a new marketing logo and test marketing of its packaging at select stores.

Arctic Apples logo
As a genetically modified organism, Arctic Apples are controversial within the fruit industry and more broadly with certain environmental groups. However, Okanagan Speciality Fruits believes it has a winning approach that will gain popularity with growers and consumers.
Good Fruit Grower just published an extensive interview with Neal Carter, founder of Okanagan Speciality Fruits (OSF), which is based in Summerland, British Columbia.
OSF has not disclosed the locations of its test markets. The company discussed the new logo on the company blog:
In 2016, we worked hard to ready ourselves for this year’s market introduction. We completed more consumer research, deciding on the first ever Arctic® apple product form (fresh, ready to eat Arctic® Golden slices!), developing packaging, planting more trees, and of course, growing the fruit itself.
In a year of so much progress as well as self-reflection over the journey that brought us here, we knew we wanted Arctic® apples to hit stores with a logo that’s fresh and modern. At the same time, we didn’t want to lose the identity and imagery of our original logo, especially since it came from the same origins as Arctic® apples themselves – the Carter family.
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