Oregon State University logoOregon State University is looking for sweet cherry growers in the Northwest to help develop a long-term Integrated Pest Management plan.

The first step is to assess the situation as it is now, according to an announcement from OSU. The university’s extension and integrated plant protection programs want to round up about 20 growers, orchards managers and crop consultants to participate in an assessment about pest and pest management impacts on crop yield and economics, the announcement said.

Second, university officials plan to prepare a document that outlines the cherry industry’s major pests, pest management strategies and pest managements needs that will be shared with grant requests and the Environmental Protection Agency. The university is enlisting the collaboration of about 25 industry officials, crop consultants and growers to prepare the report and has room for a few more Washington representatives

Here are two examples of other IPM plans led by OSU:

Treasure Valley Onions

Oregon and Washington Cranberries

For more information about the cherry effort, contact Katie Murray at the Integrated Plant Protection Center at katie.murray@oregonstate.edu.