Project Description
Special Issue: Buyer’s Guide
Featured stories about buyer’s guide appear in this issue.
Apple Lines
 China is the single largest market in the world with 1.3 billion consumers and double-digit growth in its gross national product for the past
In The Box
Future Good Fruit Grower of the Year?Kai Phelan Hanrahan gets an early taste of the fruit-growing business, encountering his first apple and his first issue
NZ orchardists aim for carbon neutrality
The New Zealand apple industry, which exports more than 80 percent of its crop, is trying to turn attention from the long distance it ships
Calculating the carbon footprint
It would be a good idea for the tree fruit industries of Washington and Oregon to calculate how they stack up in terms of their
How warming will affect grapes
The effects of climate change on Washington State's wine grape industry are likely to be mixed, with some viticultural areas benefiting from conditions that favor
Northwest table grapes
Ray Ethell, left, and OVS crop consultant Jeff Flake discuss the open-gable trellis system, on which grape clusters are more exposed for easier thinning and
Table grapes thrive in Idaho
Dr. Esmaeil Fallahi, a founder of the Idaho table grape industry, has tested many different varieties. Idaho has a burgeoning table grape industry with more
Working together for kids
Aricely Vargas in playground slide at EPIC in Sunnyside, Washington. Tree fruit employers, both growers and packing house owners, have an untapped support program that
EQIP funds ease cash flow
Aristeo Maldonado of Tonasket, Washington, received EQIP funds to update his irrigation system. When apple prices tumbled in 1998, just a year after he bought
Cherry industries collaborate
Sweet cherry industries in the Pacific Northwest and California may be a thousand miles apart, but they have much in common. The two industries share
Funds for adopting IPM
For growers who would like to implement more integrated pest management practices but can't afford to, help may be available. The Natural Resources Conservation Services,
Food miles gain traction
Concern about food miles—the distance food travels from field to plate—is prompting retailers to favor local suppliers, and that's worrying fruit growers in areas such
Cars implicated in food miles report
Consumers concerned about food miles might want to consider the impact of driving to the supermarket and back to do their shopping, a report on
Long trip for small pear packs
Food travels further nowadays because of the centralization of production and distribution systems, but another reason for moving food around is cheap labor. A significant
More heat, less water
Fruit growers who depend on irrigation are likely to feel serious impacts from global warming, scientists say. The average temperature during the first 20 years
Some pests like it hot
Warmer temperatures, caused by global warming, could make pest control more challenging in the Pacific Northwest, theorizes a Washington State University entomologist. Hotter weather could
Reason Over Rhetoric
Immigration reform legislation that we had hoped would pass before the 2008 presidential election all but died last month when the Senate voted 46 to
Is China's Fruit Safe?
Shopping for fruit at a street market in China. Recent scandals involving pet food and toothpaste in the United States, as well as those in
In My View – Food Safety—An Industry Responds
Robert Louis Stevenson, writing over 100 years ago, noted the numerous but often calmly accepted extreme risks associated with normal day-to-day living, the main one
Homemade compost cuts fertilizer costs
 Kyle Mathison Orchards makes compost cheaply from various waste materials that are available in the vicinity. Stemilt Hill orchardist Kyle Mathison has been able