Profit by precision: 2020 Good Fruit Grower of the Year
2020 Grower of the Year Rod Farrow reflects on a career on the leading edge of precision horticulture in New York.
2020 Grower of the Year Rod Farrow reflects on a career on the leading edge of precision horticulture in New York.
Precision crop load management drives Farrow’s success.
The grow-through-tree approach appeals to New York growers with home nurseries and those who want to buy custom trees.
Cornell research and extension urging growers to make precision crop load management a priority, including blossom thinning.
Precision pruning a key part of the process.
Cornell systems trial puts the question to robot-ready canopies and the production costs of growing narrow fruiting walls.
New York keeps RubyFrost expansion on hold for now.
Eastern apple growers report a rise in sudden collapse of seemingly healthy young dwarf trees, but is it a new problem or just highly stressed orchards felled by regular foes such as winter injury and drought?