Vine-tuning vineyard forecasts
ColdSnap tool will predict bud cold hardiness.
ColdSnap tool will predict bud cold hardiness.
Washington State Grape Society speakers discuss implementing sensor-based irrigation.
Researchers explore use of ultraviolet light on packing lines.
New computer program rates apple starch sampling, offering warehouses more efficiency and researchers more precision.
U.S. Department of Agriculture and Michigan State University collaborate on multitasking machine.
Scientists making progress on the puzzle pieces for a precision approach to fertilizer applications that could improve grape quality, protect the environment and save growers money.
—by Ross Courtney and Shannon Dininny Dave Allan of Allan Bros. points out places he would make renewal cuts while
U.S. Department of Agriculture hires an ag engineer for new viticulture research role for the Northwest wine industry.
family background/ Leo graduated from Wenatchee Valley College and Washington State University with a degree in business administration. He is the son of Margarita and Francisco Sarmiento.
Robot company returns to Washington for another harvest of fine-tuning.